Monday, January 29, 2007

LIEberman to vote GOP in 08

Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT), a life-long Democrat until he became an Independent for the last election, told CNN Sunday he would consider voting Republican in the 2008 presidential race. Excerpts:

"I'm open to supporting a Democrat, Republican, or even an Independent if there's a strong one," the U.S. Senator from Connecticut told "Fox News Sunday...."

Lieberman's open support for President Bush on numerous issues, particularly the Iraq war, has ostracized many Democrats. He lost the Democratic primary in his re-election bid last year and had to run as an Independent to maintain his seat.

Asked about the current field of Democrat contenders for the presidency, all of whom have strong opposition to Bush's Iraq policy, Lieberman said, "You make a decision based on a whole range of issues. But obviously, the positions that some candidates have taken in Iraq troubles me. Obviously, I will be looking at what positions they take in the larger war against Islamist terrorism."

CNN story here.

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