Saturday, September 30, 2006

One More Reason Dems Must Win

Senate Environment Committee chair says global warming is media hysteria

warming is a myth created by media hysteria, says Senator James Inhofe (R-OK).
Inhofe, who is Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee,
went on Fox News to counter the "lies" told by most of the media.

Inhofe said that Fox News "is the exception" to the media, which is
spreading the myth of global warming.

A transcript follows the video.



HOST: Our next guest says that the American people are not really getting the
truth about global warming due to the mainstream media's "environmental
bias." Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe joins us this morning. He's the
Chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee. Thanks for being with
us, Senator.

MR. INHOFE: Well, nice being with you guys.

HOST: You recently did give a speech about this. Tell us where you stand. Do
you think that global warming exists?

MR. INHOFE: Yeah, well, first of all, the earth's temperature is warming
right now but, I believe, from natural causes. The hype in the media is just --
you guys [Fox News], you're just really the exception -- but the speech I made,
the eighth speech I made on this subject on the floor on Monday concentrated on
just the media and how they're distorting this thing. You have got to keep in
mind, you guys, how back in the turn of the century, starting about 1900, back
then they said, "well, we got a cooling period that's coming up, an ice
age. We're all going to die." Then they went into the 1930's and they said,
"it's global warming." Then they went into the 1950 and they said
it's... So, it's always been hysteria and now we look at it and see that the
preponderance of the scientific evidence, since 1999, has actually, has refuted
many of the things that they are saying right now in terms of human or [green
house] gasses causing global warming.

HOST: What was the situation that happened... or one of our rival networks,
CNN, made some comments and tried to rebut a few of the things that you said in
that speech. You feel that some of what was said was not accurate. Explain that.

MR. INHOFE: Oh, it wasn't accurate at all. They said, they were talking
about... they named a whole lot of different things. About 8 different
accusations or statements about me. They were all 8 in error. They said such
things as, that we had received money from the oil and gas industry. And they
completely forget about the fact that other members are taking it. The largest
contributor to these campaigns is really the far left environmentalist. It's all
a matter of record. Then they talk about hurricanes being related to... and the
polar bear population... we have all the documentation that this just isn't
true. In fact, let me just tell you some of these, it's very significant. There
are 60 scientists in Canada that had been recommending to Prime Minister Harper
that they get off of the Kyoto Protocol because of the economic destruction in
their country. They said that, "If we had known in the middle 90's about
what we know today about the science, we would never have gotten on to the Kyoto

HOST: And the thing that is difficult is that a lot of people signed on to it
but aren't following it either. So, there is a big debate about that. Let me ask
you this. Are we as a country, as a nation, doing better trying to see, you
know, what we do could adversely effect the planet or are we moving in the right
direction when it come to making sure that we aren't unnecessarily destroying
the planet.

MR. INHOFE: Yeah, well, we really are. This president, president Bush, has an
initiative that far exceeds what anyone else has done. It would be a mandated
70% reduction in socs(sic), noc(sic), mercury, things that are pollutants. Keep
in mind, and CO2 is not a pollutant. So, we are doing it. So, we are doing it.
It's a success story since the Clean Air Act of 1970. And in spite of the fact
that we have twice as many cars, twice as many in the population, our air is
much cleaner. It is a success story. And those who don't want it to be told are
the one who are saying, "Ah, we have global warming." This is
something that people, you know, politicians are afraid to talk about. Just
because of the huge amounts of money that the far-left environmentalists pour
into campaigns.

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