Sunday, January 01, 2006


We were tipped off by the ever erudite Skippy
( to Jack In the House
( -- your one stop guide to Jack Abramoff
and all of his bought-off pals!

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... and Other 2005 Street Walkers of Talk Radio
by Steve Young

"Hey, Freeper, me love you LONG

No disrespect to the working girls, but if the 2005 edition of the
of Loud could figur e a way to turn what they do into sex, hookers would
be out of business.

All this year, talk radio tricks got the hot satisfaction they paid for
while deluding themselves into thinking that it was really love. But
don't try to tell that to a talk radio junkie who's gone so long
real truthin' that he wouldn't know it if it was laying there naked
beside him.

"My whore wouldn't lie to me!" slobbers the convinced dittohead
caressing his radio host of ill repute, refusing to understand that
a whore's job to make you think it was good for her too. Who needs the
truth when this feels SO much better? But believe me, when the whores
get together after work to gargle a couple gallons of mouthwash, they
laugh at the suckers who pay for the hour's worth of lies. What they're
putting out might sound like the real thing, but these pros know damn
well it's what your want to hear that puts their kids through college,
and more often than not, that's anything but the truth.

The broadcast bimbos dress up hypocrisy and deception in f@%#-me pumps
and low-cut integrity and whisper in your ear that it's really virtue.
They might as well be wearing red, white and blue mini-pants wedged up
the yin-yang when they tell you that they back the military to the ends
of the earth, but never take the Republican Congress to task for
shorting the needs of the boys who come back less than they were.
passes to "The insurgency is in its last throes," "You're doing a
helluva job, Brownie," and "If anyone in this administration was
involved in [revealing Valerie Plame's covert CIA status], they would
longer be in this administration" shows that these harlots are willing
to swallow anything if it keeps them in hip-highs and high ratings.

Sean Hannity was broadcasting for weeks outside of Terri Schiavo's
hospice, advocating for one poor brain -dead woman -- but he didn't take
so much as one second to speak from outside a Veteran's Administration
hospital where thousands of living are begging to be heard.

Oliver North will tell you that the so-called "death" tax hurts you --
but will never tell you that unless you'll be leaving $2 million to
kiddies, you're just cheering a tax cut that will fatten the North
family pockets.

Bill O'Reilly will tell you he is the bestest children's advocate and
that you can buy his "O'Reilly Factor for Kids" to send them the right
message, and he'll harass judges whom he claims don't protect the
youngsters -- but he won't utter one word about the sexually-harassing
advocate HE played on the phone with a youngster half his age. As any
lady of the night would say, O'Reilly claims he does it for you. In
cases, "to you" might be a better fit.

Bill Bennett pompously tells you that you should live your life
vi rtuously -- then gambles away millions and blames black babies for
crimes rate.  

Rush Limbaugh tells you that addicts should be placed in jail and the
key thrown away, and that the ACLU is dangerous to the American way of
life -- but uses the ACLU to keep him out of jail for doing drugs and
dragging his housekeeper into his crimes and addiction.

Dennis Prager defends heterosexual marriage (and your homophobia),
telling you how divorce is not the threat to marriage that gay marriage
-- then, just to show you he means it, announces he's getting a divorce
from his wife of 17 years.

G. Gordon Liddy will say the New York Times is a bastion of liberal
(the same Times that held back the story about the NSA having spied on
Americans, news that could have been the death knell to the 2004 Bush
campaign) -- yet ignores the fact that they offered a platform for all
the timely White House war propaganda that Judy Miller could fit to

Hannity, O'Reilly and the usual suspects ripped Al Franken for not
supporting our military -- but vacation in the safety of their luxury
digs while Franken uses his time off to entertain the troops in
Afghanistan and Iraq.

Talk radio may make you think it loves you, but once you're finished,
you're left with nothing but a lie and perhaps an STD (Severe Truth
Distortion) or two.




Not on your dial.

It's your choice to do with your life what you want. But risky behavior
has consequences. If you plan to continue listening, be careful. And
God's sake, wear protection. 

                 - - - -= = = =+ + + += = = =- - - -

Steve Young is author of "Great Failures of the Extremely Successful"
( and L.A. talk host.

Democratic Victory Network An Umbrella Group: Of Progressive Groups
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23 Days, 23 Hours, 32 Minutes, 38 Seconds.

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