Wednesday, January 25, 2006

THE TRIANGLE: Matthews, Moore, Murtha, and the Media

THE TRIANGLE: Matthews, Moore, Murtha, and the Media: What's the common thread running through the past half-decade of Bush's presidency? What's the nexus between the Swift-boating of Kerry, the Swift-boating of Murtha, and the guilt-by-association between Democrats and terrorists? Why has a seemingly endless string of administration scandals faded into oblivion? Why do Democrats keep losing elections? It's this: the traditional media, the trusted media, the "neutral" media, have become the chief delivery mechanism of potent anti-Democratic and pro-Bush storylines. And the Democratic establishment appears to be either ig norant of this political quandary or unwilling to fight it.

Blogging from the Left


White House Declines to Provide Katrina Papers
We have been told all along that no one could have anticipated that terrorists would fly planes into buildings Katrina would be so potentially devastating to New Orleans. Am I dete cting a pattern here? Is the administration really that incompetent? Or, is this willful incompetence?

HUFFINGTON POST (Kristen Breitweiser)

The Bush "Hay"stack of Lies
The Bush Administration has continually used 9/11 as an excuse to break the laws of our great nation. A simple reading of the September 11th story shows that General Michael Hayden and the Bush Administration are, once again, contradicting themselves in their use of 9/11, this time with regard to President Bush's illegal domestic spying program.


EJ Dionne on Dems and Karl Rove
E.J. Dionne makes the same point I made last Sunday.
What's so hot about Bush's post 9-11 strategy, anyhow?
< /DIV>


Just another day in Bushville
Trying to fact check every speech Bush delivers is too daunting a task for a humble blogger — a typical event includes far too much mendacity to bother. But since yesterday's speech was supposed to be the president's latest comprehensive defense of his warrantless-search program, it's probably worth taking a moment to document the more obvious problems.


Spying and Torture: The New American Way
I do not agree with the conservative values of spying and torture. I do not think spying and torturing are American Ideals but conservatives have made it the new American Way. Give Me Liberty of Give Me Death no longer applies thanks to Conservatives. Live Free or Die is no longer an American Value. The sad thing is that Conservatives don't even realize they have killed America.


Top Ten Mistakes of the Bush Administration in Reacting to Al-Qaeda
The Bush administration and the American Right generally has refused to acknowledge what we now know. Al-Qaeda is dangerous. All small terrorist groups can do damage. But it is not an epochal threat to the United States or its allies of the sort the Soviet Union was (and that threat was consistently exaggerated, as well).


Killing Me Softly
I am watching George W. Bush repeat his patented mantra for the 514,346th time. It's filled with lies, mischaracterizations and simple-minded gibberish, as always, and I'm watching it go out unfiltered, in its entirety, unchallenged by the media, no Democrats in sight, on every cable channel. I think they are personally trying to drive me crazy.


Reasons to Oppose Alito
The Senate Judiciary Committee votes on Alito tomorrow (Filibuster Possible). The latest poll (ARG) puts the Bushie job approval at its lowest point ever, Among all Americans, "36% approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president." Among registered voters, Bushie does better, yeah, one point better - 37%. (via Josh Marshall) The American people have no confidence in Bushie, why on earth would the Senate Judiciary Committee give him a vote of confidence by voting to confirm Alito?


Mild Murmurs of Dissent
Atrios points us to this WaPo editorial that timidly ponders the limits of presidential power. My guess is that the WaPo editors will soon beat a hasty retreat from even this Milquetoast stance. As the current RNC talking points make clear, posing even the most innocuous questions about Bush's authority or actions makes the questioner an al Qaeda fellow-traveler.


It contin ues: Buchanan compares Clinton to Osama
The right wing's attempt to label democrats and war opponents as equal to Osama continues. If anyone believes that this is some dubious connection then you are sadly mistaken. I will continue to monitor this "meme" the Rovian republicans are hoping becomes buried in the subconscious of the American people. Let me know when you hear other talking heads making these statements.


The media's distorted understanding of "neutrality"
Karl Rove is peddling transparent falsehoods about the [NSA] scandal because he knows we have a neutered media that will s imply pass them along, at most tepidly and neutrally noting that some Democrats disagree, but never, ever pointing out that the claims are factually false. If things continue as they are, public opinion polls will undoubtedly soon show that a majority believes that Democrats oppose eavesdropping on Al Qaeda and that the NSA scandal-- as numerous dishonest Bush followers keep framing it -- is based on a disagreement about whether we should have to "hang up" when Osama calls.

PANDAGON (Amanda Marcotte)

Dedicated to the people who support Bush by screaming "9/11"
Bush won the squeaker election of 2004 not because of god, guns, or gays, but because he managed to convince a number of piss-their-pants cowards that he was the only thing standing between them and getting nuked by terrorists. Cowards like Lileks, like Andrew Sullivan, like Christopher Hitchens, even like Dennis Miller. People who bought into the fear and gave up thinking and just begged Daddy Bush to make the mean terrorists to go away.


Why is Russert Asking Obama About Harry Belafonte?
What the hell is Tim Russert asking Barack Obama to express his opinion about Harry Belafonte for? Russert has had two weeks to ask anybody on his show about it; why does he save this particular question for Obama? What sort of special expertise does Obama have about Harry Belafonte, a private citizen with no connection to the Democratic party, that none of Russert's other guests would have?


A "red line," or a goal-line stand?
The Los Angeles Times reports today that the Bushites are, at last, openly acknowledging the struggle that's been going on behind the scenes in Iraq for the past year...


Michael Moore: Hardballs Matthews in the Face
In response to Chris Matthews vomitous attack on Michael Moore and all people who oppose this questionable war in Iraq, Moore has righteously hardballed Matthews-- right upside his giant vacuous yellow head.

Blogging from the Right


How big a threat is terrorism?
The US numbers? [In an average week] less than 4 deaths due to terrorism, 825 deaths in traffic accidents, 26,346 babies lost to abortion. (Going back to and including the Marine barracks bombing in Beirut, total US deaths in terrorist incidents are less than 4,000 in 22 years.)


Bush Offered Blair An Out For Iraq
George Bush offered Tony Blair a pass on participating in the invasion and liberation of Iraq, afraid of the political effect it would have on the British PM's stability, Bush revealed yesterday in a speech at Kansas State University. The London Telegraph reports on Bush's statement for the benefit of British voters ... He has been ridiculed as Bush's "poodle" in the European press. This development might earn him more respect as his own man in terms of policy...


Exploring the "glory wall"
Just what do pictures of President Bush with disgrace lobbyist Jack Abramoff mean? Probably not too much, says John Dickerson.


"I don't support our troops"
A few posts back I argued that you cannot "support the troops" if you oppose them being is an honest opinion (If glib and c heeky) offerred by Joel Stein in "Warriors And Wusses...I don't support our troops" a 24 jan editorial in the LA Times. [LINK] I suspect that Stein cannot recognize the latent guilt he truly feels as being a beneafctor of "American imperialism and culture" in the year 2006.


Another anti-Bush Government Voted Out
It seems that just like their neighbors to the South, even the Canadians don’t pa y much attention to Michael Moore. Despite the last minute desperate appeal from this anti-American propagandist, Canadian voters yesterday rejected the Liberal government of Paul Martin. Those in the Great White North were not swayed by the Liberals’ fear-mongering that a pro-American government would be bad for their nation.

THE CORNER (John J. Miller)

On Bush, Clinton, and Jesus
In his WSJ review of the new book on Bush by Fred Barnes, Tom Bray highlights this fact I hadn't heard before: "Mr. Bush, contrary to media hysteria on the subject, mentions Jesus Christ less often than Bill Clinton did."


The Most & Least Desired 2008 Republican Nominee
Right Wing News emailed more th an 230 right-of-center bloggers and asked them to send us a ranked list 1-5 of the candidates that they would most like to take the Republican nomination for President in 2008 and the 1-5 candidates they'd least like to see as the Republican nominee in 2008. Representatives from the following 58 blogs responded...


Fixing FISA
This is certainly the best defense I've yet read of why the 1978 FISA law could do with an overhaul, given the advance of information technology. No doubt Karl Rove is already performing rhetorical calisthenics. What the op-ed doesn't do convincingly, however, is explain why the Bush administration, after 9/11, couldn't have asked Congress to amend the law to make surveillance of al Qaeda more efficient and effective. Ms Toensing's answer: the Dems would engage in "political posturing"...


The candidate called Hitler
The NYT has a profile of one candidate for the Palestinian elections. The candidate's name is Jamal Abu Roub, but everyone here calls him Hitler because, well, that is the name he has answered to quite comfortably since he was a teenager. And, hey, this is one of the "good" guys that we hope will win, running for Fatah, against the people in Hamas who are, presumably, even worse.


Now It's Ford's Turn
I've reported a couple of times on the job losses in the auto industry at General Motors, and now it's Ford's turn to bite the bullet: Ford Motor Co., the nation's second-largest automaker, said Monday that it will cut 25,000 to 30,000 jobs and idle 14 facilities by 2012 as part of a restructuring designed to reverse a $1.6 billion loss last year in its North American operations. It's not a good time to have your livelihood depend on the U.S. auto industry.


American Meddling in Canadian Elections
Michael Moore is aghast at the thought that Canadians might actually elect a Conservative government. Oh, Canada -- you're not really going to elect a Conservative majority on Monday, are you? That's a joke, right? I know you have a great sense of humor, and certainly a well-developed sense of irony, but this is no longer funny. Maybe it's a new form of Canadian irony -- reverse irony! OK, now I get it. First, you have the courage to stand against the war in Iraq -- and then you elect a prime minister who's for it. You declare gay people have equal rights -- and then you elect a man who says they don't.


"Munich" extremists and the Moderate Shift
Steven Spielberg was discuss ing his latest epic work of equivocation and non-postured moral posturing on Sunday when he unleashed on straw man "extremists" who decry his film, demonstrating one of the most frustrating trends in leftist ideology today: the moderate shift. Now, this isn't something new on the left, as Ted Kennedy and the gang of congressional soap-box mongers will tell you.


Free Expression Now Includes a "Right" to Public Nudity
The folks in Daytona Beach can let it all hang out. Federal Judge John Antoon assured that Spring Break in this college student spring hot spot ought to be even more interesting than normal this year.


Last Thoughts on Haleigh
In a long post/update on the sad case of Haleigh Poutre, Michelle Malkin laments the fact that no talk-show hosts or big media types have taken up the cause, and then dishonestly singles me out...


Iraq "hostage" has some 'splaining to do
Report says ransom money found on Osthoff: Part of the ransom money alleged to have been paid by the German government to win the freedom of Iraq hostage Susanne Osthoff last month was found on Osthoff after her release, the German magazine Focus said on Saturday.

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Politico 44 President's Calendar Video

Days Since Michael Steele Said He Won't Resign

23 Days, 23 Hours, 32 Minutes, 38 Seconds.

"The Playa" said he wouldn't resign as head of the RNC ("Not me Baby! Nuh-uh. Not happening. No way, no how.")



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