Monday, January 23, 2006

Open Letter To Chris Matthews

Open Letter To Chris Matthews
has received over 50,000 visitors in 4 days! And thanks to you, MSNBC has been flooded with phone calls, letters, and emails. Feeling the heat, Chris Matthews said we "misunderstood" what he said when he compared the world's most wanted terrorist to an American filmmaker. Matthews then went on to repeat his assertion and gave an open platform to Republican Joe Scarborough to slander Democrats further.Let Matthews and MSNBC know how you feel: or (202) 824-6707And while you're at it, ask Matthews about the following comments and what they say about his journalistic integrity (several of these quotes are from Media Matters' Misinformer of the year):

MATTHEWS implies Al Qaeda is 'trying to get people to vote Democrat for president.' He asks Democratic Senator Breaux: 'Doesn't it put your party in a terrible position of having al-Qaeda rooting for you?' (Hardball, 7/18/04)
MATTHEWS accuses Democrats of "perhaps exploiting" the death and destruction in Iraq (Hardball, 11/1/05)
MATTHEWS says Bush sometimes "glimmers" with "sunny nobility" (Hardball, 10/24/05)
MATTHEWS suggests Bush may "belong on Mount Rushmore" (Hardball, 12/16/05)
MATTHEWS argues that the U.S. went into Iraq "for altruistic purposes" (Chris Matthews Show, 9/25/05)
MATTHEWS insists "everybody sort of likes the president, except for the real whack-jobs" (Hardball, 11/28/05)
MATTHEWS recites GOP talking points during fight over Bush's judicial nominees, describes Democratic efforts as "just sort of pouting and bitching" (Hardball, 5/18/05)
MATTHEWS levels baseless charge against Democratic efforts to complete intel probe as "disingenuous," "using crocodile tears" (Hardball, 11/1/05)
MATTHEWS describes Supreme Court debate as division between strict constructionism versus the "loosey goosey" liberal approach (MSNBC, 10/3/05)
MATTHEWS praises Bush for a "brilliant" speech, before it was delivered, while attacking Democratic critics as "carpers and complainers" (MSNBC, 11/30/05)
MATTHEWS falsely attacks Democrats for accusing Alito of being "lenient on the mob" (Hardball, 10/31/05)
MATTHEWS praises John Roberts' confirmation as "miraculously successful" (MSNBC, 9/29/05).

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Politico 44 President's Calendar Video

Days Since Michael Steele Said He Won't Resign

23 Days, 23 Hours, 32 Minutes, 38 Seconds.

"The Playa" said he wouldn't resign as head of the RNC ("Not me Baby! Nuh-uh. Not happening. No way, no how.")



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