Saturday, January 07, 2006


In case Congressional Republicans weren't nervous enough after the Abramoff plea deal, here's a new article on Time's website, reporting that shortly before the announcement of his own plea deal, Duke Cunnigham pulled a Big Pussy and wore a wire:
Sources familiar with the situation say Cunningham, a California Republican who pleaded guilty Nov. 28 to taking $2.4 million in bribes--including a yacht, a Rolls Royce and a 19th Century Louis-Philippe commode--from a defense contractor, wore a wire at some point during the short interval between the moment he began cooperating with the feds and the announcement of his guilty plea on Nov. 28. The identity of those with whom the San Diego congressman met while wearing the wire remains unclear, and is the source of furious--and nervous--speculation by congressional Republicans. A Cunningham lawyer, K. Lee Blalack, refused to confirm or deny the story, and wouldn't say whether Cunningham will implicate any other members of Congress. The FBI is believed to be continuing its probe of defense contractors involved in the Cunningham case. An FBI spokesman declined comment. Asked whether Cunningham, an ace Navy fighter pilot decorated for his service in Vietnam, had worn a wire, the spokesman said the response from a higher-up was, "Like I'd tell you."
You especially have to love that last line. The only thing better would have been if Cunningham's response was, "Get the fuck outta here." This really is turning into a Sopranos episode.

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